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Talent Management Skills in Small Business Organizations

Talent Management is defined as deploying the right people with the right set of skills in the right position in an organization at the right time. The talent management controls the entry into an organization and exit from an organization. The following are different stages during the talent management process.

Requirement The first step in talent management process is the understanding of the requirement in an organization. Doing research about the description of job the talented professional will do in the organization and the specifications about the job is developed during this stage.

Searching for Talent The next step involves finding the right people within the industry. proper care must be done to find out whether the person is meeting the requirement of the job position.

Recruiting the Talent The moment people are invited to join an organization is critical as far as the job position is concerned. It is essential to keep the social outlook of the company stable during this phase as people will be looking about the organization.

Selection of the Talent Through the process of interviews, candidates are selected based on their technical skills. People with matching job description and qualifications with the required talent are recruited during this stage. Those candidates who are selected are invited to join the organization.

Training of the Talent As soon as the recruitment process is over the talented people are trained and the existing skills are enhanced to meet the requirement within an organization.

Retaining the Talent one of the crucial steps in retention of the job includes offering the best pay package within an industry, setting clear ideas about the specification of the job, describing the challenges that may arise during the job, explaining about the designation of the job and personal development of the employee including recognition at the right time.

Promoting the Talented No employee will want to work in an organization in the same job position with the same set of job responsibilities. Enriching the job have an important role in promoting the talent in an organization.

Competency of the Talented Doing an assessment of the skills, development in the position and ability compared to others is required for measuring the competence of the talent. The behaviour of the employee along with the attitude and knowledge may also me benchmarked while doing the competency check. This also gives an idea of giving additional responsibilities to the employee at the right time.

Succession of the Talent There should always be a plan about who will replace whom when the talent leaves the position. This might occur when an employee holding a position in an organization stays in the same position get promoted to topper position.

Exit of the Talent This happens either when the employee leaves the organization during retirement or resigning from the position.

As the process of managing talent is difficult it is essential to keep the job balanced for the talented professional.

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